“Wonka” (2023) is an exciting adventure in a world of magic and chocolate. Directed by the magnificent chocolatier Wili Wonka, it presents the story of…
His Girl Friday is a classic screwball comedy film from 1940 directed by Howard Hawks. The story revolves around Hildy Johnson, a newspaper reporter, who…
“Leviathan” (1989) is a science fiction thriller that tells the story of an underwater laboratory crew that encounters a mysterious and dangerous oceanic creature. As…
“Punch-Drunk Love” (2002) is an eccentric and enchanting comedy from director Paul Thomas Anderson. The main character, Barry, played by Adam Sandler, experiences strange events…
“Ticket to Paradise” is a thrilling romantic comedy that tells the story of two ex-spouses played by outstanding actors. When this imperfect couple meet again…
Cynthia, a performer at a luxurious resort in Southern France, becomes entangled with an unusual pair: Alpha, a being from a different dimension, and Andros,…