Adventure 4K Movies Independence Day 4K 1996 EXTENDED A signal is received on Earth, sent by a source of clearly extraterrestrial origin. This source approaches, and the entire planet is alerted. No one,… Posted by 4kSeptember 6, 2022mode_comment0
Horror 4K Thrillers 4K Cat’s Eye 4K 1985 A homeless cat is trying to find a little girl, whom he is destined to save from an unknown threat. On his way he meets… Posted by 4kJune 3, 2022mode_comment0
Horror 4K Thrillers 4K Cat’s Eye 4K 1985 A homeless cat is trying to find a little girl, whom he is destined to save from an unknown threat. On his way he meets… Posted by 4kMay 29, 2022mode_comment0
Drama 4K Thrillers 4K Carlito’s Way 4K 1993 70s. Major drug dealer Carlito Brigante was released from prison, where he served five years. Now, returning to the Spanish quarter of New York to… Posted by 4kDecember 29, 2021mode_comment0