“Green Room” is a violent and dark thriller that emphasizes the absurdity and danger of extremist ideas. Under the guidance of talented director Jeremy Saulnier,…
Envoys from a hostile alien civilization infiltrate the past, and humanity’s first contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence, capable of ushering in a new space age,…
Captain Kirk falls into a space vortex. Seventy-five years later, the descendants of the star travelers stumble upon the same vortex and encounter a madman,…
Since the founding of the Federation, the General Directive has been clear: “No Starfleet expedition shall interfere with the natural development of other civilizations. This…
While exploring Halley’s comet, an expedition of the space shuttle “Churchill” discovers a bizarrely shaped alien ship, and inside – three humanoids in glass sarcophagi,…
The private detective agency Townsend, led by the mysterious Charlie, opens its offices around the world, and now in different parts of the globe, teams…