“Desperado” 4K (1995) is a high-octane action film directed by Robert Rodriguez, following the story of a mysterious gunslinger, El Mariachi, played by Antonio Banderas.…
“Tales from the Darkside: The Movie” (1990) is a thrilling horror anthology featuring three creepy stories woven together by a framed narrative. Director John Harrison…
It was supposed to be the perfect crime. Conceiving to rob a jewelry store, crime boss Joe Cabot gathered together six experienced and complete strangers…
The United States of 2013, a brutal totalitarian dictatorship. As a result of natural disasters, Los Angeles has become an island where all elements undesirable…
The year is 2065. The Earth was attacked by phantom monsters from space, which cannot be resisted. Translucent monsters, more like hallucinations, have already exterminated…