“Paprika” (2006) is a thrilling animated film created by director Satoshi Kon. In a dream world, a therapist-psychotherapist, using a device that allows him to…
Two Brooklyn plumbers, Mario and Luigi, find themselves in an alternate dimension where they must rescue Princess Daisy from the villainous King Koopa. The brothers…
“Ticket to Paradise” is a thrilling romantic comedy that tells the story of two ex-spouses played by outstanding actors. When this imperfect couple meet again…
Immerse yourself in the world of the thrilling sci-fi thriller “The Host” (2006) in stunning 4K resolution. Director Bong Jung-ho delivers a unique blend of…
“Point Break” (1991) is a movie about the borderline between law and adrenaline. Director Kathryn Bigelow presents the exciting world of extreme sports and the…
“Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie” (1994) is an exciting animated movie based on the popular video game. Directors Kazuhiko Ito and Gisaburo Sugi were…
In “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem,” the iconic turtles—Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael—spring into action once again. When their arch-nemesis, the Shredder, teams up…
“Evangelion: 3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon a Time” is the conclusion of the Neon Genesis Evangelion animated saga in 4K. A post-apocalyptic future, complex questions about human…
“Gran Turismo 4K 2023” is a breathtaking cinematic work that presents the magnificent world of motorsports in stunning 4K resolution. In the movie you will…