The deadly T-virus, created in the laboratories of the Umbrella Corporation, continues to take over the Earth, turning the world’s population into legions of zombies…
In a giant underground laboratory, a dangerous virus breaks free, instantly turning its victims into gluttonous zombies. One bite or scratch of their terrible claws…
Streets of Raccoon City – a city controlled by the powerful Umbrella corporation. After a bacteriological catastrophe, the inhabitants slowly turn into zombies, and those…
Two carefree American tourists were warned that there were dashing places in old England, which were extremely dangerous to travel. But the cheerful overseas guys…
Alternative future. In England, after a terrible epidemic of an unknown virus that plunged the country into chaos, a brutal dictatorship of the imperious chancellor…
The search and study of extraordinary magical creatures brings the magozoologist Newt Scamander to New York. Most likely, he would have departed on the train…
Millions of years ago incredible forces ripped apart the Earth’s crust creating our seven continents – each with its own distinct climate, its own distinct…