“Ticket to Paradise” is a thrilling romantic comedy that tells the story of two ex-spouses played by outstanding actors. When this imperfect couple meet again…
“When the Screaming Starts” (2021) is a gripping horror film that offers viewers a unique take on psychological horror. When a young couple moves into…
“Peeping Tom” (1960) is an intriguing psychological thriller directed by Michael Powell. The movie follows a young camera man who hides his dark passion behind…
“Planet Earth III” (2023) in stunning 4K resolution continues the groundbreaking exploration of our planet’s awe-inspiring beauty and diverse ecosystems. Narrated by Sir David Attenborough,…
“Underworld” (1985) is a visually striking and thought-provoking 4K film that transcends traditional horror boundaries. Directed by George Pavlou, the movie is based on the…
“Frozen Planet II” (2022) in 4K takes viewers on a thrilling adventure through the icy expanse of Earth. This unique documentary, supported by cutting-edge technology,…
Immerse yourself in breathtaking drama with Breaking the Waves (1996) in stunning 4K resolution. Director Lars Von Trier creates a powerful cinematic work about love,…
The 1970 film Nachts, wenn Dracula erwacht (also known as Count Dracula) is the acclaimed adaptation of Bram Stoker’s novel, bringing audiences a unique take…