Horror 4K La setta 4K 1991 “La Setta” (1991) is a stunning 4K horror film from director Michele Soavi. The movie tells the story of a young woman who joins a… Posted by 4kJanuary 21, 2024mode_comment0
Horror 4K La chiesa 4K 1989 “La chiesa” (1989), also known as “The Church,” is a visually striking 4K horror film directed by Michele Soavi. Nestled within the Gothic architecture of… Posted by 4kJanuary 21, 2024mode_comment0
Comedy 4K Horror 4K Cemetery Man 4K 1994 Francesco Dellamorte is a cemetery keeper in a small Italian backwater town, but his job is a little different from the usual. For some unknown… Posted by 4kJanuary 21, 2024mode_comment0