“North Dallas Forty” is a gripping sports drama released in 1979, directed by Ted Kotcheff. Based on the semi-autobiographical novel by Peter Gent, the film…
“Witchfinder General” is a gripping historical drama set in 17th century England during the height of the witch trials. Directed by Michael Reeves, this 1968…
“Goin’ South” (1978) is a comedy-western that transports the viewer to a Wild West setting with irresistible humor and thrilling adventure. Director and lead actor,…
“Patrick” (1978) is a frightening and suspenseful horror thriller that tells the story of a young man with a mysterious ability to manipulate the forces…
“Nihon chinbotsu” (1973) is a gripping Japanese film about a catastrophic event that turns the lives of millions of people upside down. Under the direction…