“Starman” (1984) is a science fiction drama directed by John Carpenter. The movie is about an alien creature that arrives on Earth in the form of a copy of a woman’s dead husband. The script is helmed by Bruce Evans, with Jeff Bridges and Karen Allen playing the lead roles. “Starman” offers a thrilling journey where the alien and its human companion encounter obstacles and find unexpected understanding.
Resolution: Native 4K (2160p)
HDR: Dolby Vision, HDR10
Aspect ratio: 2.39:1
Original aspect ratio: 2.39:1
#English: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
#English: DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0
#German: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 (48kHz, 16-bit)
#Italian: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 (48kHz, 16-bit)
#French: Dolby Digital 5.1
#Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
#Spanish: Dolby Digital 2.0