4k Point Break A young FBI agent infiltrates an extraordinary team of extreme sports athletes he suspects of masterminding a string of unprecedented, sophisticated corporate heists. Deep undercover, and with his life in danger, he strives to prove these athletes are the architects of the mind-boggling crimes that are devastating the world’s financial markets.
User Reviews
If you like those 3 or 5 minute GoPro or Red Bull videos of people doing extreme sports then you will certainly like most of the movie as a lot of it is exactly that – and to be sure, those moments were pretty cool to watch and very well done.
Unfortunately, in between all of those moments is a pretty boring plot line with characters that you never really care about.
4k Point Break (2015) Ultra HD 2160, in blu-ray Remux. Download on 4k-hd.club
If you like mindless action (nothing wrong with that) then you will probably like this movie – although most of the “action” is extreme sports, not really guns.
Apparently I have to write at least ten lines of text, but honestly there isn’t much more to say about the movie!